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Top 4 attributes of effective websites

April 12, 2023
Your website is not only your home and safe place on the internet, but it is also your most powerful communication and marketing tool. It offers you a unique way to connect the world to your business, increase credibility and connect to potential customers.

Every day, more and more consumers are learning to use the internet to search for products or services they are in need of, so you are already losing a ton load of leads as your potential customers will go to your competitors if you don’t have a website. Your website must have these essential attributes…

A Simple and Consistent Design:  While consistency is key, the hallmark of a great user interface is embedded in its simplicity. By this, we mean something aesthetically pleasing yet easy to understand and interact with. Your users should find it easy to navigate through to find what they are looking for. Interfaces must also be kept consistent throughout a design and as your visitor navigates through, their immersion shouldn’t be broken due to jarring stylistic choices.  

Make Good use of a Site Map. Clear links to the most important pages on your website is crucial for guiding visitors to the information they’re looking for.

Break things down into short paragraphs, with headers if necessary. Use bullet points and highlight important words or phrases.This is important both for user experience and for SEO since Google considers the content and structure of a site when it ranks for search.


A Visual Hierarchy: The most important elements of an interface should be highlighted in order to make users focus on them. A great way through which you can implement a visual hierarchy would be by using white space to highlight crucial parts of your interface. Other great ways are:

The use of typography: This isn’t as simple as picking a nice font. For starters, every font has a personality, so to speak, and your picks should be influenced by your audience and the message you are trying to pass across. Size, of course, also plays a key component when using fonts in design. Important information such as headers are highlighted. You can make text stand out, by using contrasting backgrounds to make the text pop out.

Use Color and Contrast Properly: Picking the right colors for any given design is a science in and of itself (you can read up on color psychology here). Colors can be used to convey visual hierarchy, establish a relationship between elements, and generally elevate your designs as well as hold the attention of your users. It important that on your website, you maintain some uniformity as to which colors you’ll be using to convey visual cues, and keep your color scheme to a relative minimum.


A Responsive Website: Smartphones and tablets are driving an increasing amount of web traffic, and the numbers are only going to grow as mobile devices become cheaper and more mainstream. Andy Chu, director of Bing for Mobile, says 70% of task completion happens within one hour on mobile sites, meaning that people are often browsing on the web with intent — they’re looking to do something, buy something or go somewhere. If someone searches for a restaurant on his smartphone, he’s likely to eat at that restaurant within the hour, says Chu. So your website better be readable on handheld devices. Responsive websites are those that seamlessly adapt to any size of screen on which it’s being browsed.


Accessible information: As visitors arrive on your website, they expect to have the questions below answered.

Who are you? Your website must be able to explain to a visit time visitor who you are, what your stand for, who makes up your team and what you offer. Visitors cannot be left to guess key information about your brand or your business. It is very important that you detail every information needed to create a lasting impression in the minds of your customers.

What do you do? What’s your product or service? Your website must be able to answer the question ‘’What can you do for me?’’. Explicitly explain what services/products your offer and what benefits they are to your target audience.  Be as simplified as possible. 

Where are you? How can I reach you? Your Contact Information must be very legible and visible. Let them know where you are located, your email addresses, phone numbers, the best time to reach etc. You don’t want to leave your visitors wondering how you can be reached.

Where do I go from here? You must definitely leave your visitors with clear Call to Action(s) so you can either follow them up or they buy immediately. So ensure that your site is arranged properly and easily navigable. Put it subscribe CTAs,  Buy CTAs, Download Free Resources CTA; just ensure you give them an opportunity to engage actively with you.

What have you done before? Do you have a portfolio/case studies you can share? These adds to your credibility especially for people who just stumbled on your brand. They want to see what you have done before or how your products have worked for others. So feel free, share your past projects and successes.

Are you on social media? This is the social age. Aside from your website, customers want to have a social feel of your brand. They want to see what you do on social media, they want to know if they can relate and connect to your brand, see the human side of your business. So avail them this opportunity and share your social handles.

We are always here to help. Get a free consultation here today!!!

GTECH Designs is a Baltimore-based digital marketing agency that is committed to helping companies and business owners drive brand value through digital channels. We do this by uniting your brand with creative concepts and marketing. The result? Better ROI. Let’s start a conversation, we don’t bite:) Give us a call on 410-775-4011 or drop us a line at [email protected]. We are also social, connect with us via:

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